I work in STEM and I don't have a STEM background and why that matters
This is what I do: I create and support programs that save money and build wealth for people while conserving energy. I work at an...
I am tired. I am tired of the excuses, the defenses, the deferences paid to men, to old men, to those who assume they have the right to...
Fire and Fury
Fire and Fury is what I feel in my bones, in my insides When I hear that you finally let people out of their cages to fight the fires...
In defense
My family is too many shades of brown for you For your white colored eyes and "colorblind" view Our levels of skin color confuse the...

Midnight ponderings while getting bitten up by mosquitoes on a southern Illinois back porch.
The cashier at the CVS looks down, can barely make eye contact. His thick glasses weighing down his face at 11:40 on a Sunday night...

the beauty unseen
You are so beautiful. Everyone sees it and yet most do not. Everyone sees the infectious smile the warm blue eyes and wavy locks. But do...

There’s something about caretaking that is both exhausting and uneventful, and also meaningful and special. I keep coming back to the...