Embracing my vulture
Picking from the scraps left from children, from men, food left for no one else Turning it into nourishment for myself, my family Circle...
She writhes in pain on the bed. We will never know how real it is. The cloud of deception hovers over her like pain dripping from the floor.

colors opening
Spring Year of the Dog So many powerful and pynk and light and blue and dark and every color splattered on the paper, the paper grabbed...

Childhood mystery
Your language is too wild for us. It weaves in and out of current realities that we don’t understand. Your language is too above these...
Riding the waves
We sat there watching the lake waves and remembering the waves we've ridden, tumultuous and sweet, dull and exciting, together. JEO 5.4.16
What we can’t forget
What we can’t forget is Stephon Clark was shot in the back eight times in his own back yard. What we can’t forget is Miguel Perez was...
April 4, 2018
Teachers marching in the streets Children crying to be protected Young people dodging bullets Dr. King, send us your presence.
A four year old negotiates with the rain.
Rain, will you go away so I can ride my bike everyday? Will you do me a favor? I’ll give you ice cream with sprinkles. Do you want my...

Waking up
This turtle shell on my back awakens me and reminds me I am the mama I’m meant to be. ~jeo
Because spring has sprung and I'm a new being. Your no's and silences are gone. The biblical theoreticals and lectoral chains are gone....