Updated September 15, 2021 at 2:55 PM ET
In vivid and emotional testimony at a Senate hearing Wednesday, four elite American gymnasts testified about the abuse they had suffered by former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar and their feelings of betrayal by investigators, including from the FBI which they say let them down.
National Public Radio
Did it help? The agent asked.
Did he use gloves?
He molested me for hours a day.
Is that all?
What can we expect?
I say they don’t deserve to hear our words in their own houses, in their own playpens. No, they don’t deserve to hear our emotions or our stories we didn’t even get to tell our mothers and then tell them like it’s their snack before lunchtime.
No they don’t get to hear us as their evening entertainment before they go fuck their mistresses or jerk off to the memories of our powerful bodies because they don’t know how to see us. See us.
No, I say. No.
They will get our fire.
No more words in their house.
Our words will be everywhere outside of their house, their playground and their mud pile.
They will get our fire.
Burning flames from deep in esophagus dreams they will feel, they will feel the burn from the Midwest like we see the smoke in our skies from the forest fires of their climate destruction.
No they, will get our fire.
They will get our belly-deep, hip-shaped, pussy-wet, delicious and destructive FIRE for their evening dinner, their happy hour treat.
Yes, mother has come to town to destroy your playpen. To destroy your grounds on which you bully and lie and shame and push down and exploit and use-our-abuse-for-your-entertainment assholes playground, exploit-ground.
No, you see they will get our fire.
Fire like the chispas that spark my poems in the night by the campfire that light my words as fire for your falsehood blue slime that exits your pores you asshole.
They will get our fire.
They will get our fire.
Mother Jones warned you. We will raid your city halls if you continue to exploit our children, our babies, our future.
No, you see, WE are the future. WE are the bringers of life. WE are the bringers of destruction and your house of cards, your playpen of rape and lies will not stand. Time is up. Time is now.
We matter.
We believe.
We know.
We will bring our fire.
September 17, 2021
