I sit back and dream I dream of the mud puddle, the mud puddle we bathed in, the pond we shared space in The squishy mud between our toes, the tadpoles swimming past our feet and eyes, escaping the grasps of our small, fragile hands, pale and wrinkled like prunes,
Shriveled like raisins We felt the sun on our skin, tanning it so, laughing in the sun with each other My toes squish the mud again and I feel the mud deep and filled with shit, its smell pulled from the nearby farms and outhouses of yesteryear Squish squash squish squash Strange fruit at the root, who sat here before? Who enjoyed this pond? Who drowned in this pond? Strange fruit, Black bodies swinging from the nearby trees My white eyes only see ghosts so hidden and white Squish squash squish squash My white skin falls deeper in the shit, the mud, the brown water surrounding my shoulders, deepening my body, lowering my view Grass looks high and sun up high What will drown here? The feeling and the falsehoods, the days of past and hangings and bashing Strange fruit from these trees must stop the stench from growing Strange fruit hanging from the poplar tree From the peach tree

Photo: Controlling peach insects in Illinois [by] S. C. Chandler [and] W. P. Flint. Insect pests; Peach. CHANDLER & FLINT: CONTROLLING PEACH INSECTS 3. ..A, Fig. 2.—Peach trees showing the effect of a single season's heavy infestation of San Jose scale and the consequent winter injury. Photograph taken at Anna, May, 1938. Note failure of trees to leaf out and the almost total lack of bud-bearing Avood, meaning loss of crop in 1938 and poor prospect for 1939.